About Me

I am a 26 year old wife and bookkeeper, living in Las Vegas, NV. Reviewing is one of my favorite things to do because it allows me to read so often and I get to discover new authors that I may not have tried previously. Reading is one of my greatest passions and as such, reviewing allows me to share that passion with others, it allows me to tell the masses what I thought of a book that I loved or hated.

At the moment, you'll notice the site doesn't have a particular style for it's reviews. This is because I haven't found a particular pattern that seems to suit me as of yet. I haven't found a particular way to write a review that I've completely 100% liked yet. I'm getting there though :-) As I evolve and become a better reviewer expect to see many great changes from the site as it conforms to my personality and style.

I hope you enjoy my reviews.